Stories from Bird Banding
Comics and photographs of birds! A great gift for birders, ornithologists or science enthusiasts. Drawn from my work as a bird bander for the Massachusetts Wellfleet Bay Wildlife Sanctuary.
You can see comics pages here and a selection of bird photographs here. Printed minicomic includes an extra comic and further bird photos.
36-page book (5.25”x7.25”). Color photographs and illustrations, greyscale watercolor comics. Available as softcover or staple bound and in bulk.
I have a per-project Patreon for mini-comics
Interested in a poster version of the tick comic? Or bulk copies of the comic? Are you a non-proft or otherwise interested in sponsoring a printing so I can give out free copies of this comic? Let's talk!
$14 (staple bound)

Do you live in the Northeast U.S. and also WI and MN (a.k.a Lyme disease country)? Lyme disease season is May to August! Keep this pocket-sized educational comic handy and be savvy about ticks.
Excellent guide to keep around for hiking.
You can view the comic online here.
8-page stapled book (4.25"x5.5"). Full-color.
Shop is run with PayPal.
Shipping is US Domestic first class.
Products are shipped within 1-3 business days.
Books/cards are shipped in an acrylic sleeve (with an acid-free backing board when needed).
Feel free to Contact Me for special orders, such as international shipping or bulk-orders. 日本語OKです。

A watercolor comic about bees, insect decline, and strange inky dreams. Includes a glossary of featured insects. For all the entomologists and bee enthusiasts.
You can view the comic online here.
12-page stapled book (7.5”x9.5”). Color cover with greyscale watercolor comics.
A Quick Guide to Ticks and Lyme Disease
A giant chickadee attacks Boston and stomps around. No real casualties; the Green Line gets pecked at. (This comic is inspired by my fieldwork experience with chickadees.)
Great gift for chickadee fans, bird appreciators, Godzilla and kaiju monster movie fans, people who like Boston, and people who want to see a large bird wreck Boston. The venn diagram of those people may overlap.
You can view the comic online here. Minicomic includes a bonus comic about the woman taking photos of the chickadee.
12-page stapled book (5.5”x8.5”). Color cover with greyscale watercolor comics.
Older Books
Available as print-on-demand or Kindle
Explore fantastical worlds and encounter bored angels, mysterious perfume merchants, desperate dentists and curious wolves in this collection of offbeat and dreamlike stories.
“Rothwell’s vivid watercolors give this [comic] a unique look, and I enjoyed her quirky wolf characters.“ – Rick Silva, Comic a Day
“Fantasy, but not quite. Spiritual, like I’m reading… a mythical story from folk[tales].” – Tales from the Parents’ Basement Podcast review
Mark came from the stars and crashed on another world. Follow the adventures of Mark trying to remember people’s names and faces, the Gillys attempting wondering why Mark can’t smell anything, and other anecdotes.
Enjoy slice of life comics set on another world.
“The main character, Mark, is stranded on a distant planet inhabited by strange but generally friendly aliens… Nice watercolor work on the art.” – Rick Silva, Comic a Day Review
“My favorites were ‘Mark and the Gillys’… Check ‘em out, [Aya’s] stuff is a lot of fun.” – Tales from the Parents’ Basement Podcast Review

Running Through Dreams
Mark and the Gillys
At Amazon
At Amazon
Sleep is my Friend
A non-fiction mini-zine about sleep hygiene and wellness habits!
8-page folded minibook (2.75”x4.25”). Greyscale comic.
You can view the comic online here.

You can also buy this book (softcover) at Avinet Research Supplies.
$17 (softcover)

A woman finds her lost cat in the supernatural Yokai world. #OwnVoices comic set in Japan.
A great gift for those interested in traditional Japanese scary stories -- such as fans of Hokusai’s Yokai prints, Shigeru Mizuki’s manga (GeGeGe no Kitaro), Pom Poko, Yo-kai Watch.
You can view the comic online here. Comic includes yokai names and descriptions.
12-page stapled book (7.5”x9.5”). Color cover with greyscale watercolor comics.
Currently out of stock
Currently out of stock