The Beetle and the Sanderling
I am currently looking for representation for this graphic novel!
For more details, please contact me!
A young Sanderling bird named Salt meets a stranded, rare American Burying Beetle named Loam. Salt needs better seashore habitat to live on and Loam needs to return to her children on Block Island. Salt decides to leave their flock and team up with Loam on a perilous journey across the sea to Loam’s island.
As Salt and Loam encounter huge birds, storms, and other dangers, they learn more about each other and the world. Despite contrasting lives and lifespans, Salt and Loam become friends and found family. The two face surprising reunions and secrets, while gaining a deeper understanding of how all living things are connected.
THE BEETLE AND THE SANDERLING is a New England natural history adventure story, woven with science and wry humor.
Full color, middle grade.

See my pitch at Kids Comics Pitchfest!

Sample pages